I truely have never worked with wool that was that bad before. All that aside, it turned out just tooooooooooo cute. Pictures don't do it justice.
While waiting for the kit to arrive I was looking for something else to work on and I found a pattern for a cotton top in The Woman's Day Book of Knitted Sweaters, 1976, Simon & Schuster. I have had this book for 30 years and made several sweaters from it years ago.
I was sooo looking forward to wearing this sweater with several things but wouldn't you know it was a wee bit small for me (I didn't lose as much weight as I had thought). It really did turn out pretty and my DIL will enjoy it as much as I would have.
Well after I finished the top I really got to feeling guilty about the UFOs lurking in the cupboard. Last year I started a camo hoodie for my youngest grandson so I got that out and finished it. I think it will still fit him this winter but if not my wonderful DIL will find someone that can use it.
Well that brings you up to date with my knitting, well not exactly, I am working on another pair of socks, I just can't stop making them.
Have a knitty day!