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Friday, September 21, 2007

Busy Work

The Alligator scarf kit came from Morehouse Farms and I worked it with out too many problems. I do however think that the yarn that came with the kit was the dirtiest or trashiest wool I have ever worked with. I am not sure that I would order yarn from them again. The kit was to make a scarf for small children but the sticks and trash in it make me think twice about putting it next to a childs tender skin.

I truely have never worked with wool that was that bad before. All that aside, it turned out just tooooooooooo cute. Pictures don't do it justice.

While waiting for the kit to arrive I was looking for something else to work on and I found a pattern for a cotton top in The Woman's Day Book of Knitted Sweaters, 1976, Simon & Schuster. I have had this book for 30 years and made several sweaters from it years ago.
I was sooo looking forward to wearing this sweater with several things but wouldn't you know it was a wee bit small for me (I didn't lose as much weight as I had thought). It really did turn out pretty and my DIL will enjoy it as much as I would have.

Well after I finished the top I really got to feeling guilty about the UFOs lurking in the cupboard. Last year I started a camo hoodie for my youngest grandson so I got that out and finished it. I think it will still fit him this winter but if not my wonderful DIL will find someone that can use it.

Well that brings you up to date with my knitting, well not exactly, I am working on another pair of socks, I just can't stop making them.

Have a knitty day!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Fishing for Gators

Went fishing today but didn't even get a bite. Usually I knit all the way to the fishing hole and back while hubby drives but today I never even knit a stitch. Of course I am making up for it this evening. I just have a few more rows and I will be finished with my sock.

Well now about the gators.....
You probably have already seen them but if not go to:
Living in FL as I do we are kind of surrounded by gators. If not the real animal then the football animal of the University of FL in Gainesville which is only about 45 minutes from my home. Anyway as you can imagine all the males of my family are gator fans so I think I know now what I will be working on for Christmas gifts this year. Of course here in FL we don't have a lot of scarf wearing weather, but I may just try making one in camouflage and see how it turns out. Then my hubby and sons can always wear them in the woods while hunting. Hee hee hee hee....

Actually I have knitted my hubby and one son camo sweaters and they love them. My hubby's sweater is over 10 years old and still in great shape and he wears it every winter. In fact it is the only sweater he ever wears.

Well I have to get back to my sock
Yak at ya later <):-)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Things Going On

I knit or crochet every day. I don't feel right if I am sitting and have nothing in my hands to work on so even though I am not fast I do finish several things a week if they are small projects.

Those are my favorite, the small projects. I guess that is why I love to knit or crochet dishcloths, doilies, socks, toys, Barbie clothes ...
In the last month I made several Barbie clothes and knit about 8 or more pairs of socks (I lost count and gave them away as soon as I made them), made Purple Kitty, and well that is all I can think of at the moment. Here are pics of some of the items.

This pair was made with Sockotta yarn and just a basic pattern. After I knit about 2 pairs of socks I realized that you can use any stitch pattern you want as long as you can correspond it with the amount of stitches you use.

I made these with Wildflower D. K. Fancy. I had this yarn left over from knitting my granddaughter a little dress several years ago. It makes a nice thick sock that is machine washable yet warm for her (she lives up north).

I actually only just learned to knit socks with dp needles 2 months ago. It was driving me crazy that I couldn't figure it out on my own (I've been knitting since I was 10 years old) so I finally gave in and went to my local yarn shop and had them teach me. I went home that night and haven't stopped making socks since. I have a list of friends, family and neighbors shoe sizes so I can give them away as I make them. I am considering making some for charity also.

These are made with some of my scraps. I didn't have the label anymore and don't remember what the yarn was other than it was sport weight.

I really had fun making these. I used more scrap yarn, DK weight I think, but instead of a plain stockingnet stitch I used a lacey fern stitch. This got me into looking for more lacey pattern stitches I could use and come up with this website

I have gotten a book from the public library that I really like that is Socks Socks Socks,
edited by Elaine Rowley, Published by Alexis Yiorgos Xenakis, 1999 XRX, Inc.
This pair is my current project and it is a Cats Paw pattern using Aunt Lydia's Double Strand cotton.
I am almost through with this pair and then the agony of what to do next. Maybbbeeee I should work on my UFOs! I have an unfinished sweater that just needs to be sown together, actually I have two like that. I also have a shawl that is about 3/4 done.
Will get back to you with more later >^..^<

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Intro to Puddybug

Let me introduce you to my best friend, Puddybug, by sharing a picture of him that I did in watercolor.

Puddybug is a short haired orange tabby that is 13 years old and weighs about 18 lbs. He keeps me company night and day and really loves to sleep in my yarn basket next to me as I knit or crochet. He sometimes gets frisky and tries to get my yarn but most of the time he just lays there and sleeps.
In this picture he is laying next to the very first afghan that I made back in the late '70s or early '80s. I crocheted it out of Red Heart classic yarn and the pattern is a double crochet cross stitch. I thought I still had the pattern but haven't come across it in a long time.
My neck is getting stiff and my eyes are starting to blurr, so I will say so long for now and get back to you tomorrow.

Puddybug passed away in December of 2009 and is missed very much.